My Month-Long Fitness Challenge

While most of the country was taking part in No Shave November or Movember events (both great causes/efforts by the way), I decided to set a month-long fitness goal for myself: I would get to the gym to work out EVERY SINGLE DAY in November. I have a gym membership and a trainer (once a week), but by no means would I consider myself a gym rat, fitness fanatic or even “athletic.” I’m a 50-year old gal who is in relatively good shape but doesn’t live and breathe a fitness lifestyle. I know the “athleisure” attire that makes up the bulk of my non-work wardrobe fools no one.

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Get Moving!

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Let’s face it, many of us lead very sedentary lives. We sit to eat meals (at least, we ought to), we sit in our cars to get places, many of us sit at desks at work for much of the day, at home we sit to watch television or at our computers. Then we lie down and sleep. Research shows that even if you engage in regular exercise daily (say, 30 minutes of moderate walking), it might not be enough to counteract all that sitting—at least in regard to cardiovascular disease risk. But, there are other benefits of exercise, as we know, including helping with weight control, strengthening bones and muscles, and even boosting mood.

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Free Fitness Resources

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Getting enough exercise is a lot easier if you (a) know how much to get, (b) keep track of what you’re doing, and (c) keep enough variety in your routine to prevent boredom. There’s some high quality, free help out there for all of these challenges. As with all physical exercise, please remember to talk with your doctor and, if possible, a certified trainer before starting a new fitness plan to prevent injury.

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Exercising for a Good Cause

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As you undoubtedly aware, on April 14, the Boston Marathon—the oldest continuously run marathon in the U.S. and arguably the most prestigious marathon in the world—was interrupted by the horrific bombing incident near the finish line that left 3 spectators dead and dozens severely injured. A mere two weeks later, on April 29, a beautiful […]

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Exercise Resources Roundup

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Making food choices with the best possible nutrition is an important part of being healthy, but we can’t ignore the big E. Exercise. Getting enough movement is important for everything from disease prevention to brain health. To help you make the best decisions for your health, we’ve put together a few resources that will help you make informed choices about what kind of movement you should be getting and when.

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How to Stay Active in the Summer Heat

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It doesn’t matter where you are in the country this summer, there seems to be only one temperature setting… and it’s hot. While we all still want to remain active with our exercise routines, sometimes it can be difficult to stay cool, comfortable and motivated out in the sweltering heat. Here are a few tips so that you can still enjoy the great outdoors and even find some indoor activities you’ll enjoy just as much!

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Running, Walking & Nutrition: Personal Observations

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I enjoy running, and am somewhat amazed as I pause to reflect that I have been a regular runner for the past 43 of my almost 58 years. In retrospect, I realize that I was a part of the first running boom during the 1970s that was led by baby boomers and popularized by Jim Fixx in his seminal book The Complete Book of Running. In those days, runners were among a relatively small minority and were regarded by many as crazy for donning skimpy shorts and torn t-shirts while loping along the roads and trails of America.

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