Our Team

Guiding Stars Licensing Company

About the Company

In 2008, Guiding Stars Licensing Company was formed to create opportunities for supermarkets, manufacturers, food service providers, hospitals and health plans, and other organizations to license the Guiding Stars nutrition navigation program. Guiding Stars Licensing Company is based in Scarborough, Maine.

Julie Greene
Director, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

In 2006, Julie was asked to lead a special project called “3 Stars to Better Health,” which we know today as “Guiding Stars.” Since the launch of Guiding Stars, Julie continued promoting Health & Wellness at Hannaford, including dietitian & pharmacy services. Since 2016, Julie has been a member of the Sustainable Retailing Team developing global health & wellness strategies and supporting all Ahold Delhaize brands in their efforts to promote healthier eating. Julie is a graduate of the University of Vermont. She earned her Masters in Public Health at the Muskie School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine. Julie and her husband, Paul, live in Falmouth and have a son and a daughter.

Elizabeth Caton 2018
Elizabeth Marble
Brand & Nutrition Manager, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

Elizabeth manages and enhances relationships with a wide variety of new and existing clients. Elizabeth brings to Guiding Stars, knowledge of nutrition and environmental sustainability. She is passionate about food: cooking, baking, consumption, and education on the balance between food choices and their role in human and environmental health. Elizabeth has experience in community, research, and clinical nutrition as well as food policy and sustainability.

Elizabeth lives in Portland, Maine with her two daughters.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Warm Hummus Flatbreads – Guiding Stars

Garrick Brown
Garrick Brown, MS, RD, LD
Nutritionist, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

Garrick is a Registered Dietitian and brings knowledge of nutrition and public health to Guiding Stars. He develops, manages, and coordinates nutrition and wellness programs using Guiding Stars for our clients and community.

Garrick earned his bachelor’s in Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Maine and his master’s in Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Rhode Island. He’s passionate about food insecurity and ensuring that all members of our communities have access to nutritious foods.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Two-Lentil Soup

Joyce Gauthier 2018
Joyce Gauthier
Product & Recipe Manager, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

Joyce is the direct contact for Research and Development teams and assists them with analysis of product formulations. Her years of experience with quality assurance and recipe development make her a strong resource for our clients. She is certified by Stony Brook State University of New York in Nutrition for Optimum Health, Wellness and Sports and holds a certification through eCornell in Plant-Based Nutrition. In her previous career, Joyce was an ACE certified personal trainer. She is enthusiastic about sharing her extensive knowledge and library of resources to help people understand that most all chronic diseases in America come from a poor diet and can often be reversed with a healthy diet.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Thai-Style Peanut Noodles

Ken Holt 2018
Ken Holt
Systems Manager, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

Ken brings to Guiding Stars a great deal of relevant success as a business systems analyst, and formerly as a scan systems support specialist. Ken has over 30 years of experience at Hannaford and Delhaize America in supply chain, merchandising and retail operations. He has long been recognized as the company’s lead expert on shelf tag systems. Ken was very involved in the Guiding Stars implementation over 10 years ago when we first launched and put the Guiding Stars logos onto full color digital unit price tags across all Hannaford and Food Lion stores.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Pork Tenderloin with Cranberry Salsa

Karen Landis 2018
Karen Landis
Data Verifier, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

As part of the Guiding Stars data team, Karen ensures the nutritional data entered for products is accurate, up to date, and leads to the correct star rating. She is excited to see the nutritional content of products improving over time as consumers demand healthier options. Before moving to Maine in 2013 she worked in book publishing, event production for non-profits, and was a backcountry guide on horseback in Yosemite National Park. She is thrilled to now call southern Maine her “forever home.”

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Corn Avocado Salsa

Tricia Breeze 2018
Tricia Breeze
Senior Data Verifier, Guiding Star Licensing Company

Tricia thinks that Guiding Stars is an important program that can easily be used to allow people to eat better. It means a lot to her that her role as data collector and verifier contributes to helping others. She accurately enters product data and proper algorithm selection to ensure accurate ratings of client’s products, protect the integrity of the Guiding Stars program and accurately represent product in our Food Finder.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Italian Baked Cod

Anissa Pinkham
Data Verifier, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

Anissa Pinkham hails from the Midwest but has worked and lived in beautiful Portland, Maine for twenty years. Since earning her degree at the University of Nebraska, she has spent two years working for non-profit organizations as an AmeriCorps VISTA member and many more years as a legal assistant working primarily with the underserved population. She is excited to be working with the Guiding Stars team to help consumers quickly and easily make healthier food choices when shopping. Her favorite thing to do is to spend time with her amazing family.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Falafel Burger

Jason Ingalls 2018
Jason Ingalls
Image Team Lead, Guiding Stars Licensing Company

Jason Ingalls initially joined Hannaford through Bonney Staffing in 2015 as temporary support for Guiding Stars. He progressed with the team to be hired permanently as the Image Team Lead.  He oversees a number of in-house and satellite office employees as well as contract photographers in two Canadian provinces ensuring quality photographs and data support for the entire Guiding Stars Team.  Outside of work he is either glued to his 7-year-old son, playing music with reckless abandon, or hiking the White Mountains.

Favorite Guiding Stars Recipe: Sweet Potato & Pesto Burrito