It takes careful thought and consideration to honor loved ones in the era of Covid. When we can’t assemble around a celebratory table, or gather for parties and traditions, I’m reminded of the saying, “food is love.” Sharing and showing support, for those who need it most this winter, can and still should happen. Here are some ideas for showing that “food love” while staying safe:
Packaged items
A gift that a loved one who is staying home as much as possible might appreciate the most right now is a simple bag of their favorite packaged products. You can add fresh foods too if it works out. For folks who are relying on delivery and online food shopping, a simple bag of groceries with some personal selections is uniquely meaningful. While you’re at it, include ingredients for this Cherry Chunk Overnight Oats. Who doesn’t want to sneak a bit of dark chocolate into their day?
Gift cards
While you may not be able to share a meal with family or friends, you can show a bit of nurturing by providing gift cards to your favorite food stores or online markets. It might not be the level of food gift giving you’re used to sharing, but it will be appreciated just the same. It’s easy to provide to those loved ones further away!
Healthy cooking tools
Maybe this year, when health is a top consideration, we give gifts that make preparing healthy, fabulous food a bit easier. Possibly it’s a spiralizer so that those on your list can enjoy homemade veggie noodles. Could be a mandolin to turn thinly cut veggies into better-for-you homemade chips. If you want to splurge, then a single high-quality knife that makes preparing healthful meals faster, easier (and actually safer) might be ideal, or an immersion blender for perfectly pureed soups.
Favorite foods
Show your foodie friend that you know them best with their favorite foods or daily essentials. Are they a coffee lover? Can’t live without their favorite hot sauce? Or maybe you know what “must-eats” (or drinks!) would go into your friend’s “afternoon crash” bag? While simple, these gifts show you know them best.
Bountiful basket
A simple, beautiful basket straight from the produce department of your favorite market makes for a perfect present and excellent example of food love. Go with a theme such as “winter citrus”, “exotic”, “berries” or maybe stick with one color. Simple, but elegant, and likely loved by anyone on your list.
A “starry” meal
Whether you shop in store or online with a Guiding Stars client, you can easily find Guiding Stars rated items that help you put together a “star rated”, nutritious meal for your loved one. While it doesn’t replace breaking bread together, you’ll know that you still tackled the planning and shopping for a friend, and answered that most complicated question these days, “what’s for dinner?”.
Distance baking
You can’t show some confectionery love with supplies and a recipe! Your hands-on gift can be enjoyed as a family activity or even among friends via zoom.
Looking for a new recipe to share? I’ve got that for you too: