The Official A-Z Dictionary of Zoodles

Spiralized noodles have become something of an internal conundrum for us at Guiding Stars. The whole craze started with zoodles, which are, of course, zucchini noodles, but you can spiralize so many things! And it would make no sense to call all of them zoodles, right? Tell someone they need to make zoodles, but out of sweet potatoes, and the conversation goes immediately downhill. Who can make sense of that? It’s only moderately more helpful to tell someone to make spoodles, of course, because the term hasn’t been standardized through use. What better way could we celebrate the start of April, we thought, than by providing the public with the following A-Z guide to help people navigate the world of spiralizing? The nutritious delights available from eating oodles of voodles and froodles await.

Voodle Platter


Only a small percentage of these concepts have been tried by our test kitchen. If you have more information about the viability of spiraling a specific piece of produce, please let the world know.

Appoodle: apple noodle (Not to be confused with a poodle, which is, of course, a single pear noodle.)

Boodle: beet noodle

Carroodle: carrot noodle

Daikoodle: daikon noodle

Eggoodle: eggplant noodle (You could also use this to refer to pasta egg noodles or even egg ribbons. You are the one who has to live with the linguistic chaos you invite into your life.)

Froodle: fruit noodle

Guavoodle: guava noodle

Horseoodle: horseradish noodle (Hopefully it doesn’t need to be said, but we do advise against making noodles out of horses.)

Jackoodle: jackfruit noodle

Jicoodle: jicama noodle

Kohloodle: kohlrabi noodle (The most conspiratorial of all proodles.)

Lychoodle: lychee noodle

Mangoodle: mango noodle

Meloodle: melon noodle

Nectoodle: nectarine noodle (We have our doubts about this one. Please send pictures if you try it.)

Papoodle: papaya noodle

Peppoodle: pepper noodle (We had our doubts about the viability of this one, but it can be done.)

Pinoodle: pineapple noodle

Poodle: pear noodle (Also a lovely breed of dog, but we’re hoping context will make the difference clear to cooks and diners.)

Potoodle: potato noodle

Proodle: produce noodle (You could argue that the invention of this term invalidates the needle for both froodle and voodle, but at that point you might as well say there’s no need for zoodle either, and just where would that leave us?)

Pumpoodle: pumpkin noodle

Radoodle: radish noodle

Spoodle: sweet potato noodle (Note: this term is also used outside the voodle world to refer to standard poodles.)

Squoodle: squash noodle

Turnoodle: turnip noodle

Voodle: vegetable noodle

Watoodle: watermelon noodle (You could argue this is an unnecessary word given that a watoodle could also be called a meloodle, but I think we’ve made it clear we’re splitters, not lumpers, when it comes to voodle taxonomy.)

Yamoodle: yam noodle

Zoodle: zucchini noodle

Happy April 1st from all of us at Guiding Stars!

Artichoke & Chicken Sweet Potato Noodles

Artichoke & Chicken Sweet Potato Noodles

Three Guiding Stars iconThree Guiding Stars indicate the best nutritional value. Spoodles are a sturdy voodle, ideal for tossing with wet sauces.

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Lemon-Garlic Zoodles with Shrimp

Lemon-Garlic Zoodles with Shrimp

Three Guiding Stars iconThree Guiding Stars indicate the best nutritional value. Zoodles, the classic voodles, are high in moisture and pair best with delicate toppings.

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Butternut Brains

Roasted Butternut Brains

Two Guiding Stars iconTwo Guiding Stars indicate better nutritional value. Squoodles are similar to spoodles and potoodles for sturdiness and roast up beautifully.

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