Eat Like an Olympic Athlete

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As the 2012 Summer Olympics open in London, we’ll all be admiring the strength of the world-class athletes competing for the gold. A large part of their training routine is choosing good fuel for their bodies. From a calories-in, calories-out perspective, most of us do not need as much food as an Olympic athlete, but we need the same types of food: fresh fruits & veggies, whole grains, lean protein and heart-healthy fats. Here’s a round-up of recipes to give your body Olympic-quality fuel throughout your day.

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An All-Star Day at Camp

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With Independence Day right around the corner and the kids out of school, long days at camp or the beach are ahead. Whether you’re a parent planning for a family trip or just taking a day off to hang with friends, enjoying the time is easier if you know you’ve got food that’s easy to serve and enjoy from the cooler. These recipes will keep energy high for a full day in the sun.

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Gluten-Free Barbecue

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While most of what you put on the grill itself is, of course, gluten-free, so often the pasta sides and burger buns are off limits to anyone dealing with gluten sensitivity. These recipes will get you back into the party without feeling like you have to compromise to enjoy a gluten-free barbecue.

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Recipe Roundup: Celebrating Soy

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April is National Soyfoods Month. If you’ve avoided soy in the past from fear of tofurkey-gone-awry, it’s time to reconsider. Soy is a complete protein, which means that it also contains the enzymes people need to properly digest the protein. In addition, soy is a rich source of vitamins C and A, among a variety of important micronutrients. What’s more, soy comes in a wide variety of forms, so you’re sure to find a way to enjoy this valuable source of nutrition.

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Falling in Love with a Leaf

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Cabbage. We all eat it twice a year: once in Aunt Judy’s coleslaw at the family reunion barbecue in June, and once in boiled dinner on St. Patrick’s Day. But aside from the adventurous souls who have embraced the beauty of sauerkraut, how many of us eat it the rest of the year? It’s an ancient vegetable that was once a heartily-praised garden staple, and for good reason: it’s brimming with vitamins C and K and peppered with a wealth of other nutrients that help your body keep its fighting form. If you’re no fan of the three less-than-beloved cabbage dishes Americans all know, never fear. We’ve got some recipes that will convinced you this leafy head deserves an honored place at your table.

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Fish, for Your Heart

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February is Heart Healthy month. What better way to celebrate your heart by trying to bring a few more omega-3 fatty acids to your family’s table? These healthful oils are not only good for your heart–they also help reduce risk of cancer and have benefits for some conditions like arthritis. Fish are a bountiful source of omega-3, and this recipe round-up will help you bring a fresh variety to your family’s fish routine.

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Beat the Boring Greens Blues

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With the holidays still hanging around our waistlines, many of us turn to salads to help us get out eating back on track. Salads can get to be repetitive, however, and it’s easy for good intentions to slip when tastebuds get bored. These recipes will renew your romance with greens and help you fall in love with salad all over again.

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A Party in the Pantry

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The last two weeks of December are always a whirlwind, madcap dash from one party to another. No matter how well you plan, there’s always that one party that sneaks up on you, leaving you in a last-minute rush to put together some dish to contribute. These recipes start with pantry staples and canned goods to make your life easier. Tip: If you don’t have fresh or frozen produce on hand, you can generally substitute with star-earning canned goods.

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