If you’re anything like us, you’ve been taking advantage of the mild weather this year to spend as much time outside as you can. A few extra weekends of outdoor adventures means you want to keep your snacks nutritious and easy to whip up, which is where this trail mix comes in. Get your family involved in making your own personalized mix by looking for star-earning cereals, nuts, and dried fruits in the same proportions recommended here.

Kid Crunch Trail Mix
Quick, easy and delicious. Store-bought trail mix is often heavier on the sugar than you’d expect. The trick to this trail mix is starting with a star-earning cereal and keeping the proportion of dried fruit and chocolate in balance with filling items like soy nuts and pumpkin seeds. If your family isn’t a fan of any one specific ingredient, use this recipe as a template to play around with making trail mix you can all agree on!
Servings: 14 (43 g )
Prep Time: 5 min.
- 4 cups Guiding Star-worthy cereal
- ¾ cup dry roasted, unsalted soy nuts
- ¼ cup dark chocolate chips
- 1 cup raisins
- ¼ cup dried cranberries
- ¾ cup dry roasted, unsalted pumpkin seeds
- Combine ingredients and store in air-tight container.