Resolutions for 2010

Well, it’s already January and I haven’t come up with my New Year’s resolutions for 2010. Oh, don’t misunderstand me, I have plenty that I can work on: to be a better person, or to finally meet the high expectations that I’ve set for myself.

I feel as if I should have already gotten it right by now… Weren’t there a bunch of goals for 2010? Oh yeah –> Healthy People 2010.

Healthy People 2010

So, have we reached any of those health goals as a nation? According to the progress reported on nutrition and overweight, we are far from reaching our target goals. For example, overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is getting worse; there has been little or no progress in fruit, vegetable, or whole grain product consumption; little or no progress in sodium (part of salt) intake; and a glimmer with calcium (lots found in dairy foods) intake improving. The report shows that the weight status and diets of Americans continue to remain an important public health and economic concern.

…there has been little or no progress in fruit, vegetable, or whole grain product consumption; little or no progress in sodium intake; and only a glimmer of improvement in calcium intake.

Get involved

You might be asking, what can I do about this? Can I contribute to my own health and diet and help the nation reach its health goals at the same time? The answer is yes, of course you can. The real question is, will you? What will it take?

Maybe you are in a new phase of life as an empty nester? I am. My three lovely daughters have left the nest, one is a college graduate living and working in New York City. The other two are in college in Boston. While I am still a mom and a wife and work full time — it seems as if I have all kinds of time on my hands. What to do with that time? Shall I become a foodie or a weekend warrior athlete? And should I drag my husband along for the ride?

Make 2010 a year of healthier choices

When I googled New Year’s resolutions 2010, it came up with 17,300,000 sites. Apparently, there are plenty to choose from and everyone is doing it! Okay, here goes, yes, I can definitely lose weight and feel better. I will eat more fruits and vegetables every day by reaching for them instead of chocolate. I will be physically active at least 5 days a week and invite my husband to join me.

There, I feel better already. Have a wonderful new year that is healthy, happy and safe!

What will you do in 2010 to make healthier choices?

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Massive Food Hysteria

As a Registered Dietitian, it is difficult to read about, see, and hear all the misconceptions that are promoted in the media and on the Internet regarding nutrition and its relationship to health. I worry that people are spending a lot of time and money on quick fixes, supplements, books, or fad diets that won’t, in the end, deliver on their promises…

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These are a few of my favorite things…

The featured photo of the article.

One of my favorite aspects of Guiding Stars is when I am standing in the grocery store aisle deciding what to buy; I can look at all the crackers, for example, and compare them all by star value, regardless of brand, manufacturer or price. The other day I wanted to choose more nutritious crackers to have in the pantry at home. I know that some crackers can be made from refined white flour…

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