Dads can have a significant impact on their kid’s nutrition. In honor of Father’s Day, let’s celebrate the great health habits dads can model.
Category: Family
Olympic Time
Taking Care of Mom
Of all of the professional and personal titles I have had, there is no doubt that the one I’m proudest of is “Mom.” Any mom knows that it is the biggest job there is…I liken it to the greatest endurance event of my life. I adore my children deeply, and as they grow I find myself both enjoying their increasing independence and wishing their little personalities could remain young, sweet and innocent forever.
A Walk in the Park
Did you know it’s National Park Week? Exploring a national park is a great way to get in some extra activity as a family, especially as the spring weather entices us to venture outside. Take a look at the National Park Service park locator to find a park near you to enjoy some excellent family time. Not convinced? Here are a few more reasons to plan a trip to a national park.
How to Be Active During Screen-Free Week
Top 5 Kids’ Kitchen Jobs
The kitchen is one of my children’s favorite places to be. The older they get, now 4 and 7, the more involved they want to be…and the greater help they actually are. We often let the process start with them looking online or flipping through magazines or other recipes I bring home. Once they have their recipe chosen, the cooking begins! These are a few of their favorite jobs that always offer me great teachable moments.
Vegetable, or Candy?
If your kids are like most kids, getting them to eat vegetables isn’t quite as easy as getting them to eat candy. Can you imagine offering them vegetables as a reward for finishing their chore list for the week? Have they ever said, “Would you please, please, PLEASE let me bring vegetables to the class Halloween party?” Not the most likely scenario, right?
Back-to-School Snacks Sweepstakes Results
Congratulations to Katie of Winthrop, Maine for winning the random drawing for our Back-to-School Snacks Sweepstakes! Even if you missed the contest, you can still get great ideas and advice from our Consulting Dietitian, Allison Stowell, and Expert Chef, Erin Dow on our Snacks page.
Thanks to everyone who participated and offered their great snack ideas! Here are a few of our favorites: