Are you one of the many who are utilizing weight loss (GLP-1) medications? If so, you probably know they can have significant impacts on appetite, cravings, and other aspects of your daily intake. Or maybe you’re considering adding a GLP-1 to your health “toolbox.” In that case, it’s important to learn how to use them safely to achieve your health and nutrition goals.
Low Appetite
Many individuals on GLP-1s experience low appetite. In some cases, this can contribute to very poor intake and have negative impacts on nutritional status. To lessen these effects, focus meals on nutrient density (each bite nutrient-rich and high in vitamins and minerals). These food choices should also align with broader health and wellness objectives. Guiding Stars is the perfect program for supporting you in achieving this goal. Our guidance is designed to help you easily find foods at participating supermarkets that offer the most nutrition in a 100-calorie serving.
Nausea is also common among GLP-1 users. If you’re experiencing nausea on a GLP-1, a B12 supplement may help. However, digesting vitamins on an empty stomach can be uncomfortable, so only consider this route if you’re able to eat something with it. Alternatively, most meats and dairy products contain B12 (adults need 2.4 mcg/day). In addition, sipping ginger tea throughout the day may be helpful (and help with hydration status). Smaller, more frequent meals can also reduce nausea.
Food Noise
I recently wrote about food noise, a preoccupation with food that leads to confusion about what, when, and how to eat. Diminishing food noise is actually one of the biggest draws of GLP-1 medications. They can be very helpful for people whose persistent thoughts about food lead to emotional eating or overeating. Are you utilizing weight loss medications for this reason? If so, I strongly encourage learning to recognize physical versus emotional hunger, and other strategies to improve your relationship with food. GLP-1 medications are an excellent “assist” in understanding if you’re using food to manage stress or other uncomfortable emotions. However, learning more on your own will help you truly reduce food noise and develop a safer relationship with food. (This is also an essential transition if you decide to discontinue medication.)
Filling Up Fast
In addition to low appetite, feeling full quickly can negatively impact the overall health and nutrition status of GLP-1 users. This is particularly true for individuals who experience rapid weight loss, especially if there’s loss of fat and muscle. Protein is essential for all GLP-1 users, especially those who may be at higher risk of losing muscle mass. Approach every meal with a “protein-first” goal to ensure you’re meeting your daily protein needs (even with lower overall intake).
GLP-1 medications can also increase the risk of dehydration. This may be because thirst decreases along with appetite, or possibly because the medication itself affects hydration status. In other cases, nausea, diarrhea, and other negative outcomes increase the risk of dehydration. To manage this, small sips are suggested throughout the day. Water, tea, and low-sodium bone broth are good options to consider. Trust Guiding Stars to help you find beverages that are lower in added sugar and other attributes to limit. Doing so will help ensure that you’re hydrating with drinks that align with your health goals.
Consult with a doctor if you are experiencing GLP-1 medication side effects.