Post holidays, our taste buds still crave what we’ve been giving them. What with all the holiday parties, cookies, and candies how could we not want more? Hopefully decreasing sugar intake is one of your New Years’ resolutions, but if it’s not…these tricks will help you become far healthier.
I should clarify: these may not cure your sweet tooth, but they’ll certainly occupy it for the time being.
Craving candy? Try a piece of fruit. An apple is a great option, or try berries (to get the antioxidant benefits). The natural sugar isn’t only good for you, but it should take care of that sugar craving. Although if you need some extra sweetness, try some form of raw sugar or cinnamon on top.
Need ice cream? Try a soy-based or no sugar added ice cream. There’s still sugar, but they’re both healthier options.
Try a drink. Stay away from the liquor cabinet, but try a sweet tea – maybe a white tea or peppermint flavored. If that isn’t enough, try juice – but make sure it’s 100%.
What about you? What’s your tip for staying away from the cookie jar?
Nicki Hicks is a fitness and nutrition enthusiast with a passion for all things healthy and organic. A web marketing specialist and search geek at flyte new media by day, Nicki works to increase her clients’ search engine visibility. By night, you might find Nicki coaching, practicing yoga, or pretending to be an artist. Nicki regularly contributes to the Guiding Stars blog.