We all know we need to exercise – how can we not? We hear it everywhere. That said, it’s often easier to make excuses than make your gym session.
“I don’t have the time”
Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to sleep? We’d get 6-8 hours of extra work/play/relaxation time in. Unfortunately, that’s not a possibility.
So, don’t have time to make it to the gym or get a run in? There’s no secret; you have to make the time. You make the time to watch your favorite TV show, or to get a massage in. Make the time to exercise.
The good news is you don’t need to spend two hours at the gym. Take your dog for a 30 minute walk, or join your kids in a game outside for 45 minutes. There are a ton of activities that burn calories and don’t take a lot of time.
“I don’t have the money”
No one said you have to go to the gym or take expensive classes to exercise. Grab your sneakers and go running on the road, or do some weightlifting with things found around the house (like cans of food).
You don’t even need to buy an expensive workout video to get the most popular workout of the moment – you’ll find shows on the cable you already pay for. Check out some of the major networks early in the morning – many of them have some popular workouts that are surprisingly difficult – and quick!
“I’m too embarrassed to go to the gym”
If you’d rather not go at all, then see some of the ideas above; the beauty is: you don’t have to go to the gym to get a great workout.
But if you’re the type who would rather get out of your element when exercising, why not invest in a personal trainer? Nearly every gym will have a few on hand. The great thing is, you’ll only need a session or two before you gain confidence and are able to do a routine on your own. The added bonus: a trainer will cater an exercise routine to your personal needs.