3 Star Lunches

BLT Pasta Salad

…beans and vegetables. Vegetables bring both color and brunch to a basic tuna salad, reducing the need for dressing. View recipe » Succotash Salad 3 Guiding Stars Three Guiding Stars…

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The Saline Solution

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vegetables and low-fat dairy foods and is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. The plan includes sample menus and recipes. Eat more whole, fresh foods such as: fruits and vegetables…

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National Farmers Market Week

woman buying kale at a farmers market

…Pickle it. I started pickling this year since this is my first year of vegetable gardening. Quick pickles are an easy introduction and need no heat processing, like regular canned…

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Health Halo Effect

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…making the food any more nutritious. Organic produce is also more expensive than conventional produce. As a majority of Americans are not eating enough fruits and vegetables to meet recommendations…

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Fueling Your Youth Athlete

Kid Kicking Soccer Ball

…to understand how an athlete’s carbohydrate needs should adjust to match their training. Young athletes generally benefit from nutrient-dense carbohydrate choices like whole grain, legumes, and starchy vegetables. Simple digesting…

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Americans Love Italian Food

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…Foods What exactly is it about Italian foods that everyone loves so much? Perhaps the love affair starts with simple, fresh ingredients such as: Fruits & Vegetables – tomatoes, eggplant,…

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