Healthy Brownie Bake-Off

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…the course of editing the Guiding Stars blog, come across one “healthy” brownie recipe after another, I can’t not try them. Brownies that count as a reasonable balanced snack? I…

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Healthy Halloween Treats

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…tongues. Plenty of people think veggies are scary in general. Making them actually look scary is a great way to make them more interesting to adults and tempting to kids….

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Is Kombucha a Cure-all?

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adults. However, if you are pregnant or have a compromised immune system, consult your physician before consuming kombucha. Kombucha tea contains varying amounts of alcohol. Due to continued fermentation of…

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Get Moving!

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…us sit at desks at work for much of the day, at home we sit to watch television or at our computers. Then we lie down and sleep. Research shows…

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Whole Grains for Heart Health

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…Whole grains are composed of the entire kernel, the bran, germ and endosperm. Popular options include whole wheat, barley, brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, millet, wheat berry, whole rye, and oatmeal….

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