Elimination Diet Empathy

Strawberry Breakfast Pie

…“avoid” foods are found in practically EV-ER-Y THING! Two prime examples – garlic & onions. “Gaaaah!” For me, all the well-meaning advice (plan ahead, cook at home, bring leftovers to…

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Healthy Brownie Bake-Off

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In my opinion, brownies are one of the greatest confections ever conceived on this green earth. Unfortunately, they don’t generally qualify as a source of balanced sustenance. When I, in…

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Big Game Food

…a combined average of 145,000 tons of chips and 8,000 tons of guacamole. Source: www.wikipedia.org and www.lifewhile.com But you’re not reading this article because you respect my football knowledge base;…

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Grilling for Vegetarians

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Feeling left out at the cookout? Not to worry, the options for vegetarians these days are more plentiful than ever. Maybe you just need some inspiration? Here are some of…

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