Homemade Snack Bars

Homemade Snack Bars

Kids will love this homemade snack bar and you can send it with them to school, confident that the fiber, protein, and heart-healthy fat will keep them full and energized…

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Secret Weapon Bread Dough

The featured photo of the article.

…have! All of those “problems” assume their kids are actually eating fruits and vegetables! The fact of the matter is a portion size for fruits and vegetables for children ages…

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School-Safe Snacks

The featured photo of the article.

…a critical allergen in your child’s snack, sending food to school can seem like a daunting task. Set your concerns aside for a few days–we’ve got a roundup of recipes…

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Super Snack Challenges

Carrot Cake Muffins

Carrot Cake Muffins – 2 Guiding Stars This month, we’ll be exploring ideas for truly great snacks. A snack, as our dietitian Allison Stowell often tells us, should be a…

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